Increased Yield

The population is expected to increase 50% by the year 2050. Associated with the growing population is an increased demand for food, feed, and fiber. At the same time, land availability for food supply is decreasing due to urban sprawl and the diversion of land use for biofuel production. These factors underline the urgency for enhanced crop yield.

Plant Sensory Systems has developed a technology that addresses the need to increase crop yield per acre of land. The technology increases the levels of naturally occurring compounds in the plant to promote growth, development and crop yield. These compounds are signaling molecules that increase root growth and root architecture. Root elongation is the primary mode that plants increase nutrient and water uptake. Moreover, more developed root systems results in significantly higher grain yield in many crops. Crops with Plant Sensory Systems’ High-Yield technology out-perform their conventional counterparts. Seed yield and root length are significantly greater in the High-Yield Crops.

Contact Plant Sensory Systems for more information or licensing opportunities.